Curriculum Overview

The curriculum at DAS is standards-based, meaning that the content taught is designed to meet educational standards in each content area at each grade level. The American Common Core standards form the basis of DAS curriculum and have been adapted to reflect the specific goals of the school. The scope and sequence of the curriculum is designed to ensure that, in meeting the standards, each student is also exposed to a wide range of texts, content, and ideas on a global scale. The content and themes comprising the overall DAS curriculum is designed to promote cultural sensitivity and global awareness, and to cultivate respect and appreciation for Arabic traditions and Islamic culture.

Early Years Kindergarten (KG) till Grade Six :

The Early Years program at DAS utilizes an integrated thematic approach that ties the separate disciplines together into studies of the physical universe, the world of nature, and the human experience ensuring a smooth transition between the Early Years and Elementary programs

Elementary School :

DAS Elementary School is comprised of Grades 1-6 and uses the CCSS as the framework for its curriculum design. Subjects are integrated and progressive building upon skills, content, and themes each year. Beyond the academic core subjects, students have regular Physical Education, French, Art, Library, Computers, Robotics and Health classes.

Middle and High School :

Today’s students are preparing to enter a world in which colleges and businesses are demanding more than ever before. To ensure all students are ready for success after high school, the CCSS establish clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do in math, sciences and English language arts from kindergarten through 12th grade. Using a credit system, students are given a wide foundation in General Education and are taught a broad range of subjects including Math ( Algebra I and II, Geometry I and II, Trigonometry and Calculus) English Literature, English Language, ICT, French, Arabic, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, World History, KSA History, Art and P.E. The new standards also provide a way for teachers to measure students’ progress throughout the school year and ensure that students are on the pathway to success in their academic careers. The school prepares senior students for SAT I and AP as well as Saudi GAT and SAAT. The program starts at the beginning of grade nine and ends in grade twelve.

Accreditation :

The school has been accredited by NCA CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI, accreditation divisions of Cognia (AdvancED) since 2014.