Curriculum Overview :

Elementary :

  • Providing a clean and comfortable environment suitable in terms of the ideal number of students per class.
  • Providing integrated textbooks in accordance with the Ministry of Education regulations.
  • Providing an abundance of experienced teachers in this stage, along with teacher continuous professional development program.
  • Using modern technology in education.
  • Following-up and caring for low-achieving students.
  • Working as one team.
  • Providing the appropriate number of supervisors.
  • Paying attention to the performance of talented and gifted students and providing them with special programs.
  • Providing computer laboratories, library and scientific laboratories that are fully equipped with the necessary equipments.
  • Providing facilities for other activities such as sport fields, science clubs, gyms.

The school focuses on developing students’ talents and directing their potentials towards better time management through multitude of activities that include :

  • Sports Activities : Football , Fitness.
  • Cultural activities include Arabic and English language activities, drawing and arts, and scientific projects that direct students towards research.
  • Computer skills and robotics.
  • Field trips.
  • Scientific activities.

The schools also seek to develop students’ social work through a multitude of activities that develop higher thinking skills. This is done through organizing cultural field trips and activities aiming at more cooperative students work.

Middle School :

In middle school, students receive a different kind of focus based on their different needs. The teachers work on developing students’ communication skills including English language proficiency and the ability to assimilate methods of presenting information, in addition to developing their thinking skills while using latest technology to achieve their future goals. Emphasis is also placed on educating students on how to prepare worksheets and use them as a support for the learning and teaching process.

This innovative methodology aims to educate students in relying heavily on their own abilities. The school achieves this through :

  • Distinguished teachers with long experience in the field of education.
  • Teaching methods focus on the student not being a recipient, but a participant and initiator.

  • An appropriate classroom environment in terms of the number of students in each class and classroom equipment that achieves a distinguished educational atmosphere.
  • Latest curricular program, including the curricula of the Ministry of Education.
  • School facilities that support the learning and teaching process, such as playgrounds, gymnasiums, sports clubs, scientific laboratories, computer laboratories, libraries, project halls, science clubs, and vocational education workshops.

High school :

DAS High School embraces students of all academic tracks according to the following criterion:

  • Preparing students for university education and encouraging them to choose the appropriate major to achieve and suit their goals along with market demands.
  • Recreational and educational trips to universities to motivate students and give them a clear vision of the future. In addition, we encourage students to participate in internal and external scientific competitions.

  • Multiple school facilities, sports courts, gymnasium and scientific laboratories are equipped with the best tools, in addition to multipurpose rooms.
  • Providing the appropriate educational environment by creating remedial classes within the academic schedule in order to help students achieve outstanding results in GAT and SAAT tests.

To achieve this, high school teachers of this stage were carefully selected based on their experience and qualifications to meet high school standards. This is clear through the noticeable annual increase in the number of students along with the high achievement scores.